Concrete is our Canvas

Outdoor Home Maintenance is a big task for residences living in Oregon and Washington. Rain, snow and storms are common in Fall and Winter. Summer heat can take a toll on patios and walkways too. 


OCR provides tough, durable coatings for driveways, patios, pool decks, walkways, balconies, spa areas, floors inside the home and even vertical walls. The Hallmark System is the perfect protection against common concrete enemies like freezing & thawing, fading, salts & alkalis, stains, and heat. Beautiful, yet tough, the Hallmark System can give your home a look that's as distinctive as your imagination and personality. Looks such as tile, flagstone and brick are provided for a fraction of the cost in most cases. Ask how we can bring Design and Beauty to your concrete.

Hallmarks versatility, beauty and durability provides the perfect finish for almost anywhere in or around the home. The Hallmark System is a tough, durable floor that is easier to maintain than most industry products, is twice the strength of concrete and keeps its deep, rich beauty for years.


Acrylistain System provides your home with the rich, warm look of concrete stain while giving your floors a tough as nails protective coating that will withstand heavy traffic, and stains, and keep its luster for years.

The Acrylistain System comes in a number of colors and styles to give you a look that is all your own. Unlike acid stained concrete, Acrylistain System uses only environmentally friendly products that will not damage cabinets, rails and other surrounding areas where a unique look is needed. In addition, Acrylistain provides a consistent, color integrated look that is not affected by the chemical make-up of the existing concrete.

Acrylistain System is perfect for:

  • Kitchens
  • Playrooms
  • Basements
  • Bathrooms
  • Driveways
  • Patios
  • Pool Decks
  • Foyers

In addition to its beauty, the Acrylistain System is easier to maintain than tile, wood or other industry standard products. The Acrylistain System can be applied over concrete that has cracks, chips or other defects due to its ability to cover those imperfections and give your floor a brand new look.

Seasonal Maintenance | Indoor Concrete Restoration | Outdoor Concrete Restoration